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  • (254) 758 818 085

Project Overview

The growth of the global population, which is projected to reach 10 billion by 2050, is placing significant pressure on the agricultural sector to increase crop production and maximize yields. To address looming food shortages, two potential approaches have emerged: expanding land use and adopting large-scale farming, or embracing innovative practices and leveraging technological advancements to enhance productivity on existing farmland

Pushed by many obstacles to achieving desired farming productivity — limited land holdings, labor shortages, climate change, environmental issues, and diminishing soil fertility, to name a few, — the modern agricultural landscape is evolving, branching out in various innovative directions. Farming has certainly come a long way since hand plows or horse-drawn machinery. Each season brings new technologies designed to improve efficiency and capitalize on the harvest. However, both individual farmers and global agribusinesses often miss out on the opportunities that artificial intelligence in agriculture can offer to their farming methods.

At Intellias, we’ve worked with the agricultural sector for over 20 years, successfully implementing real-life technological solutions. Our focus has been on developing innovative systems for quality control, traceability, compliance practices, and more. Now, we will dive deeper into how new technologies can help your farming business move forward.

Project Detail

  • Client Name:
    Weldon Mutai
  • Client Company Name:
    Rift Valley AI Services Ltd
  • Project Start Date:
  • Project End Date:
  • Client Comment:
    I enjoy using this platform to disseminate info to my clients.

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