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  • (254) 758 818 085

Project Overview

With the utilization of Farm ERP, Chepseon Dairy Limited’s operations meet global best practices and carries out all its operations for the mutual benefit of all its stakeholders in the value chain.

Project Detail

  • Client Name:
    Gideon Kirui
  • Client Company Name:
    Chepseon Dairies
  • Project Start Date:
  • Project End Date:
  • Client Comment:
    Chepseon Dairy is committed to helping farmers reduce the cost of production along the milk value chain. With the use of FarmERP, We at Chepseon Dairies have pioneered the use of demonstration farms in order to enable peer to peer training of milk producers in the country. So far, over 25 demonstration farms in key raw milk sheds have been set up. At each demo farm, farmers are trained on aspects such as feed conservation, clean milk production, planning & budgeting, record keeping, breed improvement and animal disease identification and management

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